Friday, December 26, 2008

Here to post le.. getting reali lazy tis few days to post lor....

Christmas is just over... yup... its like just a normal school holiday for me.... but the eve is the exciting one... yup... got 4 presents in total including the tidbits given by my youngest sis... thanks everyone... Yup... The eve, we gathered at my cousin house and had a party... played some sort of sabo games.. loser drink wine... then is like loser so good rite??? A gathering reali bonds us together once again as we shared our laughters...

Yup... 31st is coming... CCA orientation execution... IC is Jiajun... yup.. jiayou ba.. everyone give him his fullest support le... we are running out of time le...

Sian... going start clearing hw le... yup.. cya guys....

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